"For D&E era, Railtec really are the best." Tim Shackleton, Hornby Magazine
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BRT grain / Maltsters / Fort William alumina PA003 7500-7799
Product code: 4mm-6223 Home > Transfers > 4mm British

Make: Railtec
Gauge: 4mm / OO
Type: Waterslide
Cost: £5.90
Qty in stock: 4
Qty in basket:
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Also available in: 2mm

Themes:Grain / cement / powder :: Scottish region
Eras:Early Emblem :: BR Late Crest :: BR Pre-TOPS :: BR Blue TOPS :: Sectorisation

  • As seen here on Bartlett.
  • Subtle variations in data panels per the real vehicles for added realism.
  • BRT logos, if required, available as pack 4mm-8642.
  • Whisky covhops available as pack 4mm-6222.

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