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Home > Transfers > HO British > BR Blue
Gauge Item #  Description Cost
HO 1020 Depot codes: Scotland (1970s) £3.90
HO 1030 BR TOPS loco data panels (blue backed) £4.50
HO 1036 BR domino headcode markers: grey w/ black surround & white £3.50
HO 1037 BR domino headcode markers: white £3.90
HO 1041 BR domino headcode: grey w/ black surround £3.50
HO 1068 BR Timken axle box cover red lines £3.50
HO 1102 BR 25912 Tamworth Castle £3.90
HO 1112 Complete loco: 85030 FELL RUNNER £4.50
HO 1123 ADB968000 (ex-class 15 D8243) £3.50
HO 1131 ADB968008 (ex-24054) £3.50
HO 1200 BR TOPS loco double arrows £3.50
HO 1201 BR blue TOPS number sheet £3.90
HO 1202 BR blue TOPS numbers: Scottish £7.90
HO 1203 BR blue numbers: North West £7.90
HO 1204 BR blue numbers: Eastern £7.90
HO 1205 BR blue numbers: Midlands £7.90
HO 1206 BR blue numbers - Wales/Western £7.90
HO 1207 BR blue TOPS numbers: Southern £7.90
HO 1209 Wasp stripes / chevrons (to suit industrial locos) £3.50
HO 1210 BR blue TOPS bumper loco sheet £4.90
HO 1213 Tinsley hump shunters 13001-13003 £4.50
HO 1218 Complete loco: TOPS BR blue class 20: LMR / Eastern £5.50
HO 1219 Complete loco: TOPS BR blue class 20: Scottish £5.50
HO 1225 Complete loco: TOPS BR blue class 25 £5.50
HO 1230 Complete loco: TOPS BR blue/Dutch class 31: LMR £5.50
HO 1240 BR blue class 40 unofficial names £6.90
HO 1241 Yeoman 08s £3.90
HO 1242 Class 08/09 detail pack £3.50
HO 1243 BR blue class 43 HST power car w/ Inter-City 125 brandings £3.00
HO 1245 Class 43 HST power car white lining (suits BR blue) £4.50
HO 1247 Class 47 petroleum fleet £3.90
HO 1248 BR blue AC electric locos £4.50
HO 1251 Complete loco fleet: Preserved Deltics £4.90
HO 1255 BR TOPS single white numbers £3.90
HO 1260 TOPS BR blue 6" loco numbers: 0s £3.90
HO 1261 TOPS BR blue 6" loco numbers: 1s £3.90
HO 1262 TOPS BR blue 6" loco numbers: 2s £3.90
HO 1263 TOPS BR blue 6" loco numbers: 3s £3.90
HO 1264 TOPS BR blue 6" loco numbers: 4s £3.90
HO 1265 TOPS BR blue 6" loco numbers: 5s £3.90
HO 1266 TOPS BR blue 6" loco numbers: 6s £3.90
HO 1267 TOPS BR blue 6" loco numbers: 7s £3.90
HO 1268 TOPS BR blue 6" loco numbers: 8s £3.90
HO 1269 TOPS BR blue 6" loco numbers: 9s £3.90
HO 1270 Pre-TOPS / early BR loco arrows (until approx 1977) £3.50
HO 1273 Motherwell (ML) leaping salmons £3.50
HO 1277 Class 37 speedlink coal SCN pack £4.50
HO 1278 Bescot (BS) pack: BR / privatisation £4.50
HO 1281 Laira (LA) pack 1980s/90s £9.50
HO 1282 Buxton (BX) pack 1980s/90s £5.50
HO 1283 Cardiff Canton (CF) depot pack 1980s/90s £9.50
HO 1284 Margam (MG) Selwyn sheep / Cardiff class 37s £3.90
HO 1285 Thornaby (TE) kingfishers £3.90
HO 1287 Tinsley (TI) snails incl Toton (TO) rabbits £4.90
HO 1288 March (MR) depot pack incl March hares £3.90
HO 1289 Tinsley (TI) add-on pack £4.90
HO 1290 Gateshead (GD) crests and depot codes only £6.90
HO 1291 York (YK) Deltic pack incl York coat of arms/crest £5.90
HO 1292 Gateshead (GD) locos, crests & depot codes £5.90
HO 1293 Stratford (SF) Cockney Sparrows / numbers / SF codes £4.90
HO 1294 Stratford (SF) Cockney Sparrows £4.90
HO 1295 Thornaby 20s 20028 20070 20172 20173 £4.50
HO 1296 Thornaby class 20 pack £4.90
HO 1367 BGs (NAV NCV NCX NDV NDX NEA NFA NHA) BR blue / InterCity £9.90
HO 1368 BR blue GUVs / Motorail pack (NJV, NKV, NXX) £9.50
HO 1369 BR blue CCTs (NOV, NPV) £9.50
HO 1370 BR blue courier van / Royal Mail post office TPO £4.90
HO 1371 BR blue Siphon G parcels: NMV, NNV £4.50
HO 1373 BR Southern CCT & GUV (PMV NFV NOV NQV QPW) £7.50
HO 1374 BR blue ex-LMS ex-LNER CCTs £5.90
HO 1376 Ex-LNER blue spot fish vans NRV RBV SPV parcels £6.50
HO 1378 Red Star Parcels: CCT van numbers, brandings & detail £4.50
HO 1379 Red Star Parcels: CCT lining £5.50
HO 1380 Return to Red Bank / Longsight parcel markings £4.90
HO 1381 Return to Bristol Pyle Hill parcel markings £4.50
HO 1871 Express Parcels: Class 101/105 DMU £3.90
HO 2356 Wrexham & Shropshire logos, suit BR blue mk3s £6.90
HO 2671 BR Enparts: ex Siphons £5.90
HO 2700 BR blue departmental DMUs £5.90
HO 2812 HST Enparts Western Region ADB975612/613 £5.90
HO 2825 Western Region generator van ADB975325 £3.90
HO 2864 EMU Translator vehicles 975864/867: BR blue/grey £5.90
HO 2865 Western Region HST barrier vehicles ADB 975665/666 £3.90
HO 2985 HST Barrier Vehicle set: Eastern region £4.90
HO 2996 BR blue observation / inspection saloon £4.50
HO 3004 White BR blue prefixes (E, S, M, W, SC) £4.50
HO 3005 BR blue mk1/2/3 passenger set £4.50
HO 3006 BR blue mk3 HST passenger set £3.90
HO 3017 Inter-City Sleeper brandings & numbers (BR blue) £6.50
HO 3018 Complete vehicle: Buffet Griddle Restaurant RB RF (BR blue) £5.50
HO 3019 Buffet Restaurant & Bar coach pack: BR blue £4.50
HO 3020 Coaching stock: white Scotrail (not ScotRail) brandings £3.50
HO 3021 Coaching stock: white ScotRail brandings £3.50
HO 3022 White Inter-City125 & Restaurant 125 brandings: HST £4.50
HO 3094 BR blue ScotRail passenger set mk1/2 £4.50
HO 3101 White Inter-City brandings £3.50
HO 3119 White H.S.T. BARRIER VEHICLE brandings £3.50
HO 3142 White BR blue parcels numbers - Newspapers £3.50
HO 31428-2 Renumber/rename: 31428 North Yorkshire Moors Railway (BR blue) £5.90
HO 3156 White BR blue SC prefixes: passenger stock £3.50
HO 3182 Pullman: 1980s BR blue/grey (incl Hadrian/Nightcap Bar) £6.90
HO 3201 BR droplight window destination stickers: Scotland £4.90
HO 3281 BR mk1 GUV/CCT Brute Circuit Only markings £2.90
HO 33102-1 Renumber/rename: 33102 Sophie £5.90
HO 3396 BR blue charter mk1 & mk2 coaches £4.90
HO 37012-1 Renumber/rename: 37012 Loch Rannoch (BR blue) £5.90
HO 3911 BR Cinema Coach & generator van £4.90
HO 40011-2 Complete loco incl nameplates: 40011 Mauretania (BR blue) £9.90
HO 4136 Brighton Belle pullman logos (BR blue livery) £4.50
HO 4137 Brighton Belle renumbering / detailing (BR blue livery) £4.50
HO 43047-1 Renumber/rename: 43047 Rotherham Enterprise (BR blue) £6.90
HO 45110-1 Tinsley 45110 MEDUSA £4.90
HO 47008-1 Tinsley 47008 PEREGRINE £4.90
HO 47076-2 Renumber/rename: 47076/47625 City Of Truro £5.90
HO 47847-3 Complete loco: Rail Operations Group 47847 £4.90
HO 50029-2 Renumber/rename: 50029 Renown (BR blue / NSE) £6.50
HO 50049-5 Complete loco: D449 (50049), 2001 scheme £3.90
HO 5006 Prototype refurbished 1st gen DMU incl blue stripes £11.90
HO 5007 Refurbished 1st gen DMU pack incl blue stripes £11.90
HO 5011 West Midlands DMU motifs incl Warks Bear £3.90
HO 5020 GG Greater Glasgow & Trans-Clyde logos £4.50
HO 52000-1 Complete loco incl plates: D1000 Western Enterprise (early BR) £9.90
HO 52000-2 Complete loco incl plates: D1000 Western Enterprise (late BR) £9.90
HO 52001-1 Complete loco incl plates: D1001 Western Pathfinder (early BR) £9.90
HO 52001-2 Complete loco incl plates: D1001 Western Pathfinder (late BR) £9.90
HO 52009-1 Complete loco incl nameplates: D1009 Western Invader (early BR) £9.90
HO 52009-2 Complete loco incl nameplates: D1009 Western Invader (late BR) £9.90
HO 52015-1 Complete loco incl plates: D1015 Western Champion (early BR) £9.90
HO 52016-2 Complete loco incl nameplates: D1016 Western Gladiator (late BR) £9.90
HO 52020-1 Complete loco incl nameplates: D1020 Western Hero (early BR) £9.90
HO 52020-2 Complete loco incl nameplates: D1020 Western Hero (late BR) £9.90
HO 52035-1 Complete loco incl nameplates: D1035 Western Yeoman (early BR) £9.90
HO 52035-2 Complete loco incl nameplates: D1035 Western Yeoman (late BR) £9.90
HO 52038-1 Complete loco incl nameplates: D1038 Western Sovereign £9.90
HO 52038-2 Complete loco incl nameplates: D1038 Western Sovereign (late BR) £9.90
HO 52038-3 Complete loco incl red nameplates: D1038 Western Sovereign £9.90
HO 52041-1 Complete loco incl plates: D1041 Western Prince (early BR) £9.90
HO 52041-2 Complete loco incl plates: D1041 Western Prince (late BR) £9.90
HO 52062-2 Complete loco incl nameplates: D1062 Western Courier (late BR) £9.90
HO 5223 Class 123/124 DMU Trans-Pennine set £4.50
HO 5231 BR blue class 101/107 DMU numbers: Scotland £4.50
HO 5244 LMR 1st gen DMU BR blue numbers £4.50
HO 5261 Class 423 VEP numbers: BR blue / NSE / Stagecoach £4.90
HO 5262 Class 427 4-VEG Gatwick Express set £6.50
HO 5304 Eastern 1st gen DMU BR blue numbers £4.50
HO 87007-1 Complete loco incl nameplates: 87007 City of Manchester £6.50
HO 9602 Filmless BR TOPS loco double arrows £3.50
HO 9603 Filmless BR blue / Dutch / ScotRail loco numbers £3.90
HO 9608 Filmless white coach/DMU/EMU numbers & prefixes £3.90
HO 9802 BR font 2" white numbers & letters for OO gauge £3.90
HO 9803 BR font 3" white numbers & letters for OO gauge £3.90
HO 9804 BR font 4" white numbers & letters for OO gauge £3.90
HO 9805 BR font 5" white numbers & letters for OO gauge £3.90
HO 9806 BR font 6" white numbers & letters for OO gauge £3.90
HO C0304 Complete loco: BR blue (80s/90s) class 01-07 w/ your number £4.90
HO C0804 Complete loco: BR blue (80s/90s) class 08/09 w/ your number £4.90
HO C08041 Complete loco: Eastfield class 08 shunter w/ your number £5.90
HO C08042 Complete loco: Haymarket class 08 shunter w/ your number £5.90
HO C08044 Complete loco: Stratford class 08 shunter w/ your number £5.90
HO C0904 Complete loco: BR blue (80s/90s) class 09 w/ your number £4.90
HO C2003 Complete loco: 2 x pre-TOPS BR blue class 20 w/ your numbers £6.90
HO C2004 Complete loco: 2 x TOPS BR blue class 20 w/ your numbers £6.90
HO C2503 Complete loco: pre-TOPS BR blue class 24/25 w/ your number £4.90
HO C2504 Complete loco: BR blue (80s/90s) class 24/25 w/ your number £4.90
HO C2604 Complete loco: BR blue (80s/90s) class 26 w/ your number £4.90
HO C2704 Complete loco: BR blue (80s/90s) class 27 w/ your number £4.90
HO C3103 Complete loco: pre-TOPS BR blue (1970s) class 31 w/ your number £4.90
HO C3104 Complete loco: BR blue (80s/90s) class 31 w/ your number £4.90
HO C3303 Complete loco: BR blue (pre-TOPS) class 33 w/ your number £4.90
HO C3304 Complete loco: BR blue (TOPS) class 33 w/ your number £4.90
HO C3503 Complete loco: BR blue class 35 Hymek w/ your number £9.50
HO C3703 Complete loco: pre-TOPS BR blue class 37 w/ your number £4.90
HO C3704 Complete loco: BR blue (80s/90s) class 37 w/ your number £4.90
HO C37041 Complete loco: BR blue Eastfield class 37 w/ your number £5.90
HO C37044 Complete loco: BR blue Stratford class 37 w/ your number £5.90
HO C37045 Complete loco: BR blue Thornaby class 37 w/ your number £5.90
HO C37046 Complete loco: BR blue Motherwell class 37 w/ your number £5.90
HO C4003 Complete loco: pre-TOPS BR blue class 40 w/ your number £4.90
HO C4004 Complete loco: BR blue (80s) class 40 w/ your number £4.90
HO C4203 Complete loco incl nameplates: Warship (BR blue) £7.50
HO C4304 Complete HST set w/ your numbers £6.90
HO C4503 Complete loco: pre-TOPS BR blue class 45/46 w/ your number £4.90
HO C4504 Complete loco: BR blue (80s/90s) class 45/46 w/ your number £4.90
HO C4703 Complete loco: pre-TOPS BR blue class 47 w/ your number £4.90
HO C4704 Complete loco: BR blue (80s/90s) class 47 w/ your number £4.90
HO C5003 Complete loco: pre-TOPS BR blue class 50 w/ your number £4.90
HO C5004 Complete loco: BR blue (80s/90s) class 50 w/ your number £4.90
HO C5203 Complete loco incl nameplates: BR blue Western (early BR) £9.90
HO C5204 Complete loco incl nameplates: BR blue Western (late BR) £9.90
HO C5504 Complete loco: BR blue (80s) class 55 w/ your number £4.90
HO C5604 Complete loco: BR blue class 56 w/ your number £4.90
HO C7304 Complete loco: BR blue (TOPS) class 73 w/ your number £4.90
HO CL1006 Complete loco incl 3d plates: 45104 Royal Warwickshire (mid 80s) £6.90
HO CL1007 Complete loco incl plates: BR blue 43088 XIII Cmnwlth Games £7.50
HO CL1009 Complete loco incl plates: BR blue 47470 University of Edinburgh £7.50
HO CL1017 Renumber / rename: 37069 Thornaby TMD (BR blue) £6.90
HO CL1019 Complete loco incl plates: BR blue 43002 Sir Kenneth Grange £8.50
HO CL1022 Complete loco: 33116 / D6535 (celebrity era) £3.90
HO CL1024 Complete loco: LSL 47614 £4.90
HO CL1030 Complete loco incl nameplates: 47562 Sir William Burrell £6.90
HO CL1032 Complete loco incl 3d plates: 47471 Norman Tunna GC (BR blue) £6.90
HO CL1035 Complete loco: Eastleigh 09025 VICTORY £4.90
HO CL1041 Complete loco incl nameplates: 87011 (BR blue / InterCity) £6.90
HO CL1043 Complete loco incl nameplates: 87030 (BR blue / InterCity) £6.90
HO CL1070 Complete loco incl nameplates: 87027 (BR blue / InterCity) £6.50
HO CL1075 Complete loco incl nameplates: 47602 47824 Glorious Devon £7.50
HO CL1114 Complete loco: 97405 (40060) £3.90
HO CL1115 Complete loco: 97406 (40135) 97408 (40118) £4.50
HO CL1116 Complete loco: 97407 (40012 / 212) Aureol £4.50
HO CL1122 Complete loco: GBRf 69007 £3.50
HO PL1010 Nameplates: Western Mail (56038) £4.50
HO PL1011 Nameplates: Taff Merthyr (56035) £4.50
HO PL1012 3d nameplates: James Nightall G.C. (47579) £5.90
HO PL1013 3d nameplates: Benjamin Gimbert G.C. (47574) £5.90
HO PL1020 Nameplates: G J CHURCHWARD (47079) £4.50
HO PL1045 Nameplates: Implacable (50039) £4.50
HO PL1046 Nameplates: William Cookworthy (37207) £4.50
HO PL1052 Nameplates: Stephenson (87101) £4.50
HO PL1053 Nameplates: Loch Awe [red] (37026 / 37409) £4.50
HO PL1054 Nameplates: Loch Rannoch [red] (37012 / 37408) £4.50
HO PL1058 Nameplates: BALLYMOSS (55018) £4.50
HO PL1065 Nameplates: Argyll & Sutherland Highlander (55021) £4.50
HO PL1066 Nameplates: The Royal Northumberland Fusiliers (55011) £4.50
HO PL1067 Nameplates: Woman's Guild £6.50
HO PL1077 Nameplates: SS Great Britain (47508) £4.50
HO PL1096 Nameplates: Barham (50016) £4.50
HO PL1097 Nameplates: The Lord Provost (47709) £4.50
HO PL1155 3d nameplates: Victorious (50036) £4.50
HO PL1188 Nameplates: TULYAR (55015) £4.50
HO PL1195 3d nameplates: 47492 The Enterprising Scot £4.50
HO PL1196 3d nameplates: 33102 Sophie £4.50
HO PL1201 3d nameplates: 56131 Ellington Colliery (red plates) £6.50
HO PL1219 3d nameplates: 47583 County of Hertfordshire £6.50
HO PL1230 3d nameplates: 33008 69005 Eastleigh £3.90
HO PL1234 3d plaques: Rocket 150 Rainhill £4.50
HO PL1238 3d plates: 40 Years 1976-2016 (black plates) £3.50
HO RN1014 Renumber/rename: 47704 Dunedin (BR blue / ScotRail) £6.50
HO RN1018 Renumber/rename: 55007 D9007 PINZA £5.90
HO RN1027 Renumber/rename: 31444 Keighley & Worth Valley Railway (BR blue) £5.90
HO RN1028 Renumber/rename: 47222 Appleby-Frodingham £5.90
HO RN1029 Renumber/rename: 55021 Argyll & Sutherland Highlander £6.90
HO RN1031 Renumber/rename: 47712 Lady Diana Spencer (BR blue / ScotRail) £5.90
HO RN1032 Renumber/rename: 33025 33114 Sultan (BR blue) £9.90
HO RN1036 Nameplates/crests/numbers: BR blue 43002 £6.90
HO RN1037 Renumber/rename: 47555 The Commonwealth Spirit £5.90
HO RN1041 Renumber/rename: 47580 County of Essex (BR blue) £7.50
HO RN1044 Renumber/rename: 50043 Eagle (BR blue / NSE) £6.50
HO RN1070 Renumber/rename: 47086 COLOSSUS (BR blue) £5.90
HO RN1084 Renumber/rename: 47077/47613/47840 NORTH STAR £8.50
HO RN1104 Renumber/rename: D9015 / 55015 TULYAR £6.50
HO RN1105 Renumber/rename: D9018 / 55018 BALLYMOSS £5.90
HO RN1114 Renumber/rename: 37043 Loch Lomond (BR blue) £5.90
HO RN1122 Renumber/rename: 47090/47623/47843 VULCAN £6.50
HO RN1123 Renumber/rename: 56038 Western Mail (BR blue) £5.90
HO RN1128 Renumber/rename: 55013 THE BLACK WATCH £6.50
HO RN1132 Renumber/rename: 87031 Hal o the Wynd (red plates) £5.90
HO RN1139 Renumber/rename: 50009 Conqueror (BR blue / LL / NSE) £6.50
HO RN1140 Renumber/rename: 50040 Leviathan (BR blue / LL) £6.50
HO RN1149 Renumber/rename: 86205 City of Lancaster (red plates) £5.90
HO RN1152 Renumber/rename: 37027 Loch Eil (BR blue, large logo) £6.90
HO RN1157 Renumber/rename: 37275 37402 Oor Wullie £6.90
HO RN1158 Renumber/rename: 43092 Highland Chieftain £6.50
HO RN1159 Renumber/rename: 43100 Craigentinny £6.50
HO RN1168 Renumber/rename: D9020 / 55020 NIMBUS £5.90
HO RN1184 Renumber/rename: 45022 Lytham St Annes £5.90
HO RN1185 Renumber/rename: D9001 / 55001 ST PADDY £5.90
HO RN1186 Renumber/rename: D9014 / 55014 DUKE OF WELLINGTON £5.90
HO RN1191 Renumber/rename: 47709 The Lord Provost (BR blue / ScotRail) £5.90
HO RN1193 Renumber/rename: 47711 Greyfriars Bobby £6.90
HO RN1196 Renumber/rename: 50016 Barham (BR blue) £6.90
HO RN1197 Renumber/rename: 73102/73212 Airtour Suisse £8.90
HO RN1199 Renumber/rename: 73142/73201 Broadlands £11.50
HO RN1206 Renumber/rename: 37207/37675 William Cookworthy £5.90
HO RN1214 Renumber/rename: 47509 Albion £5.90
HO RN1220 Renumber/rename: 50045 Achilles (BR blue / NSE) £7.50
HO RN1223 Renumber/rename: 47510 47618 Fair Rosamund £5.90
HO RN1224 Renumber/rename: 50013 Agincourt £6.90
HO RN1226 Renumber/rename: 50037 Illustrious (early BR) £5.90
HO RN1231 Renumber/rename: 50010 Monarch (BR blue / large logo) £6.50
HO RN1263 Renumber/rename: 86249 County of Merseyside £6.50
HO RN1265 Renumber/rename: 86244 The Royal British Legion (red plates) £5.90
HO RN1271 Renumber/rename: 50034 Furious (BR red plates) £6.90
HO RN1285 Renumber/rename: 37026 Loch Awe (BR blue) £5.90
HO RN1289 Renumber/rename: 47611 Thames £5.90
HO RN1293 Renumber/rename: 55006 The Fife & Forfar Yeomanry £5.90
HO RN1303 Renumber/rename: 50047 Swiftsure (BR blue / LL) £6.90
HO RN1306 Renumber/rename: 86252 The Liverpool Daily Post (red plates) £5.90
HO RN1316 Renumber/rename: 47582 County of Norfolk £7.50
HO RN1320 Renumber/rename: 50018 Resolution (BR blue / NSE) £6.90
HO RN1322 Renumber/rename: 50026 Indomitable (BR blue / NSE) £6.90
HO RN1323 Renumber/rename: 87022 Cock o the North (red plates) £5.90
HO RN1324 Renumber/rename: 87035 Robert Burns (red plates) £5.90
HO RN1340 Renumber/rename: 09008 Sheffield Childrens Hospital £8.90
HO RN1342 Renumber/rename: 47616 The Red Dragon £7.90
HO RN1343 Renumber/rename: 47706 Strathclyde (BR blue / ScotRail) £5.90
HO RN1345 Renumber/rename: D9009 55009 ALYCIDON £5.90
HO RN1348 Renumber/rename: D9003 55003 MELD £5.90
HO RN1349 Renumber/rename: D9011 55011 The Royal Northumberland £5.90
HO RN1350 Renumber/rename: 47404 Hadrian £5.90
HO RN1365 Renumber/rename: 37180 Sir Dyfed County of Dyfed £6.90
HO RN1370 Renumber/rename: 87013 John O Gaunt (BR blue, InterCity) £5.90
HO RN1373 Renumber/rename: 47471 Norman Tunna G.C. £6.90
HO RN1374 Renumber/rename: 47615 Caerphilly Castle £7.90
HO RN1378 Renumber/rename: 47583 County of Hertfordshire £7.90
HO RN1382 Renumber/rename: 44003 Skiddaw (blue plates) £5.90
HO RN1391 Renumber/rename: 47087/47624 Cyclops £5.90
HO RN1393 Renumber/rename: 47621 Royal County of Berksihre £7.50
HO RN1441 Renumber/rename: 47559 Sir Joshua Reynolds £5.90
HO RN1472 Renumber/rename: D9005 55005 The Prince of Wales £5.90
HO TI02 Tinsley 45037 ECLIPSE £4.90
HO TI03 Tinsley 45052 NIMROD £4.90
HO TI04 Tinsley 47299 ARIADNE £4.90
HO TI05 Tinsley 45052 SATAN £4.90
HO TI06 Tinsley 45128 CENTAUR £4.90
HO TI07 Tinsley 37107 FURY £4.90
HO TI10 Tinsley 47423 SCEPTRE £4.90
HO TI13 Tinsley 45007 TALIESIN £4.90
HO TI14 Tinsley 45033 SIRIUS £4.90
HO TI15 Tinsley 47108 GOLDEN EAGLE £4.90
HO TI16 Tinsley 09008 ALDWARKE £4.90
HO TI18 Tinsley 47100 MERLIN £4.90
HO TI19 Tinsley 08880 MEXBROUGH £4.90
HO TI21 Tinsley 45141 ZEPHYR £4.90
HO TI22 Tinsley 45046 ROYAL FUSILIER (1987-1988) £4.90
HO TI23 Tinsley 45046 ROYAL FUSILIER (1988 onwards) £4.90
HO TI24 Tinsley 45113 ATHENE £4.90
HO TI25 Tinsley 45115 APOLLO £4.90
HO TI27 Tinsley 47053 IMPALA £4.90
HO TI29 Tinsley 37003 TIGER MOTH £4.90