Railtec Community

Railtec is proud to be part of a dynamic community of talented modellers, some of whom offer their services to others. The aim of this page is a free, good-will service to help hobbiests get in touch with others who may be able to help them.

To request a quote, just click on the email icon - and please remember that many/most of them have day jobs!

The list below is not exhaustive but is an on-going list of those who have been consistently easy to work with over the years, co-supporting decent and moral behaviour with no bad reports within the community of undue delays, broken promises or struggling to retrieve unfinished models.

Please remember that the quality of work may vary significantly, so it's wise to ask to see examples and do some research before making a decision that is in line with your expectations.

List order is generated randomly each time.

Name Areas of Expertise
Glen / Carol [GC Weathering] 2/4/7mm weathering, detailing, renumbering.
Scott Bostock 7mm resprays, renumbering.
Colin Makcrow Wagon resprays/detailing.
Jon McGuinness [A1 Weathering] Renumbering, weathering.
Dennis Mulhair Servicing, repairs, DCC fitting.
Anthony Sutton [West Coast Resprays] 2mm renumbering, weathering.
Ben Cambridge [Ben's Resprays] 2/4/7mm resprays, renumbering, weathering.
Michael Doyle 4mm resprays, renumbering, weathering.
Jon Harding 4mm resprays, renumbering.
Tony Mirolo Irish/UK resprays, renumbering, weathering.
Alex Carpenter [ABC Workshops] Renumbering, DCC/sound fitting, weathering.
John Sykes 4mm resprays, renumbering.
Andi Walshaw [Cairns Road Works] 4/7mm resprays, DCC/sound, renumbering, weathering.
Roger Manton [Dodgy's Weathering] Weathering in all scales.
Jerry Baker [Squirrel Rail] 2/4/7mm weathering, renumbering, resprays.
Steve Jones 2mm weathering.
Cliff Williams 7mm DCC/sound fitting.
Ian Clenton [Mercig Studios] 2mm weathering, resprays, conversions, detailing.