"For D&E era, Railtec really are the best." Tim Shackleton, Hornby Magazine
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ScotRail incl Saltire class 156/158/170 numbers
Product code: 4mm-2153 Home > Transfers > 4mm British

Make: Railtec
Gauge: 4mm / OO
Type: Waterslide
Cost: £4.90
Qty in stock: 6
Qty in basket:
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Also available in: 2mm, TT

Themes:DMU/EMU detail parts :: Scottish region
Livery:ScotRail (privatised)

ONLY AT RAILTEC is this item spot printed/filmless - meaning it has no superfluous carrier film so you don't have to cut close to the print, contains true vibrant colours, withstands regular handling, has perfect print registration, has no fuzzy half-toning nor join lines in the print, and is compatible with enamels. Click here to see what sets Railtec apart.

  • Also includes numbering for later Saltire livery as well as earlier variants.

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